Cypripedium pubescens - Large Yellow Lady Slipper

Cypripedium pubescens - Large Yellow Lady Slipper
Large deep-yellow flowers with long yellow-to-brown corkscrew lateral petals. Probably the easiest native orchid to grow, it will form large clumps of over 20 blooms in time when happy. It is the first species cyp to bloom in late April or early May here for us, blooming over a 2-3 week period. Native from Minnesota to the Canadian Maritimes in the north, and south from Missouri to Georgia. In the south it is usually found in cool rich woods and coves where there is shade most of the day, though in the north it is often found in more open conditions, sometimes in full sun. In the wild it grows in both sub-acid and circumneutral soil, and with a more moderate moisture supply than the other Lady-slippers.
Zones 3-7. 14-24 in. Light to part shade, moist rich well-drained soil, with approximately neutral pH.
We are offering 3 sizes:
Flowering size (FS) plants with at least one blooming stem and well-developed root system.
FS-NF plants that are either blooming or large near-blooming plants.
Near-Blooming (NF) plants that have a well-developed root system and are at least 1-2 years away from blooming.